Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Story Phones


This will be my last blogpost for this evening. This is only one thing I remember from BETT in London, January 2011. They were called storyphones. The site is: www.storyphones.co.uk.
It´s a complete MP3 audio system that allows small children beginning to learn English to listen by themselves to stories, music, songs and games. It´s a headset together with a remote control that you can order in 4 units or 6 units. I haven´t ordered it yet to my school, but i still think it´s a great way of listening indoors or outside without distractions and it´s also useful because the practitionsers can record their own activities, song and stories also by using the remote control. They can actually record themselves and their friends and create podcasts to eachother. Of course you are able to do this with a computer as well, but thes story phones I´m talking about is easier for small children I think and you can carry them easier as a teacher and as a child in school. If you want to learn more about this I can strongly recommend their own site. I think I want to buy these in the future if I can talk my teachercollegues at school into this as well. :-) We´ll see...

Regards from Ann Goliath-Pillóla

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